About Insitute – mr


Pursuit For Excellence…Government Polytechnic Aurangabad is one of the premier technical institute in the state of Maharashtra, established in the year 1955. The Government of Maharashtra has granted academic autonomy to this institute in 1994. The institute is a recipient of Best Polytechnic Award in 1996-97. The institute has developed strong links with various industries, academic & research institutes. The institution is an enthusiastic aspirant for total autonomous status, with the intension of catering to the needs of industries & society in a better way. Outcome based curriculum (OBE) is introduced to provide more skills in diploma technicians since academic year 2017-18. The institute is equipped with an excellent infrastructure that includes a huge green campus,laboratories, workshop, computer centers, library, sports facilities, play ground, conference and gymkhana hall, staff development cell, examination cell and training & placement cell.